>. This comment from Goktug: ..."*we use some tools that does code pruning
during build which helps some with the performance, and those tools are not
available for open source. Something we will eventually look at but not
very soon*" worries me. Is J2CL a 100% Java or you use other stuff that can
not be released?

The main difference between bazel and other build systems is that it is
built for an immutable view of code trees.   Bazel rules are perfectly
predictable from inputs to outputs, and this allows highly parallelized
builds and caching. Everything at Google is build from HEAD, not SemVer,
and so perfect cachability and deterministic build stability is important
for us.

Internally, we have "dev mode" interactive versions of the Closure Compiler
that can do lightweight pruning for rapid development, but these are tied
to internal infrastructure and specialized Bazel stuff that accumulates a
pruned JS-level dependency graph in parallel with the build targets.  So
it's not that it isn't written in Java (actually some of this stuff isn't),
but more that it's tied to internal build infrastructure, which is probably
overkill for external developers, and something much simpler, akin to
concatenating all your dependencies and running Webpack/Rollup style
pruning on it would be sufficient for development.

The nice thing about J2CL is writing this edit/refresh environments is far
far simpler than it was to do with GWT DevMode, as your IDE or build tools
can already do file watching/rebuild, whereas DevMode had the burden of
being an incremental build system unto itself.


On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 3:50 PM Hristo Stoyanov <hr.stoya...@gmail.com>

> Guys,
> Thanks for the update to J2CL! Here is what I understood, the questions I
> have - correct me, if I am wrong:
> 1. Google is seeing good results from J2CL in a number of products, so
> your internal funding won't be cut, J2CL won't be abandoned! That is good
> news!
> 2. J2CL itself is build with Bazel (for the reasons you mentioned). This
> would not matter much, *as long as you could push the J2CL artifacts to
> Maven Central in an automated (Bazel) pipeline*. *Can Bazel do that*?
> 3. Some GWT folks are developing Gradle and Maven plug-ins. *What is the
> status of those*? I think this is the most important thing - once the
> J2CL jars are in Maven central and the plug-ins ready, people can start
> building apps with J2CL?
> 4. This comment from Goktug: ..."*we use some tools that does code
> pruning during build which helps some with the performance, and those tools
> are not available for open source. Something we will eventually look at but
> not very soon" worries me. Is J2CL a 100% Java or you use other stuff that
> can not be released?*
> *5. I still don't quite understand why not dump everything J2CL on Gihub
> "AS IS" and let us sort it out?*
> *Also, It would be helpful if some of the developers who already received
> the J2CL code drop comment and clarify what needs to be finished from their
> point of view.*
> *As far as GWT3, I don't understand what is the value of it at all, maybe
> valuable time/resources can be spent on J2CL instead, once it is placed on
> Github*
> *Thanks. *
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