With the exception of a few corner-cases, Java 6 source code is also Java 8 
compliant; so the GWT Compiler should be able to process it even though it 
assumes Java 8 source code.

But the question was about JVM requirements: gwt-servlet.jar is compiled as 
Java 7 bytecode in 2.8, so it requires a Java 7 JVM on your server; and 
similarly gwt-dev and gwt-user require a Java 7 JVM on your developers' and 
CI machines (and if you use GIN, because GWT will "internally" compile your 
sources to Java 8 bytecode and GIN will try to actually run that code, 
you'll need a Java 8 JVM)
Retrolambda could possibly solve the issue of gwt-servlet at least, 
possibly also gwt-dev/gwt-user at compile-time.

On Friday, November 4, 2016 at 11:25:46 AM UTC+1, Marko wrote:
> How can you use retrolambda for that? Isn't retrolambda transforming the 
> compiled >>bytecode<<? But GWT transpiled java >>source code<< and not 
> bytecode...
> Marko

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