Modern GWT is debugged in the Browser using "SuperDev Mode".

There is an SDM add-on for Eclipse, but I've never used, so can't attest to its effectiveness.

On 8/24/20 1:47 PM, Guillen Antonio wrote:
Hi all
I use the last 2020-06 version of eclipse, with the modelling tools (EMF), I use the Eclipse plugin define in the picture below.The application work fine, but just for the fun if I want try to debug it:
  1. I select break points, in the moduleLoad method.
  2. I launch using Debug AS  Devlopment mode with Jetty
The appli run like is I lauch it wit(h Run As  Devlopment mode with Jetty.

I don't understand where I do a mistake.
Can you help me please.


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