Are these classes truly sub-classes, or are you using MyObject as a
generic "Object" (in the Java Object class sense) that is
Meaning, does MyObject have a bunch of state that is also shared by
MyObject1..50?  Or is MyObject pretty much empty with all of the
state in the individual sub-classes?

If that is the case, what is the purpose?  So you can pass MyObject1..
MyObject50 type objects through the same RPC method?

I'm asking because it's hard to imagine (in Object Oriented terms) a
reasonable scenario in which there is a base class with truly shared
state across 50 subclasses.  Sure, such cases exist (witness Java
Object or a UIObject type class), but they are relatively rare in
domain modeling.

It seems a mistake to have something like:

class MyObject {
   protected int id;

class MyObject1 extends MyObject {
   // more state

yada yada...

class MyObject50 extends MyObject {
   // more state

If you can provide some context around your modeling domain,
it will be easier to answer your question.  But on the surface, it
sounds like you need to rethink your object model.

If MyObject is empty or fairly empty of state, you might dodge the
bullet (without solving the modeling issue) by making it an interface.
By doing so you can still have one RPC method that takes the
MyObject interface without having truly polymorphic subclasses.


On Jul 4, 11:46 am, Joshb <> wrote:
> We are currently working on a very complex project that has:
> * A very large set of Data Objects which all extend from a Single
> Super Class ( eg. MyObject, MyObject1 extends MyObject, MyObject2
> extends MyObject ... MyObject50 extends MyObject)
> * each of these objects have 10-30 properties, often consisting of my
> varients of MyObjects
> As a result, when I try and bind a RPC service ( GWT.create
> ( MyObjectService.class ); ), it is taking 10+ seconds to bind.
> Running in debug hosted mode using -extra indicates that, in fact, the
> log output of the RPC binding is over 17,000 LINES!!!!
> I have broken up my application into several separate GWT modules, and
> roughly each one has its own RPC service.  Each time it is called and
> bound using deferred binding, there is this 10+ second delay.  This is
> obviously slowing down development/testing, and probably doing a lot
> of other bad things at the same time.  I'm sure there must be a better
> way.
> I am very curious (anxious) to know others thoughts on how to avoid
> this situation when dealing with large, intertwined models.
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