
Is there a specific tag that google are using internally for products
like wave or are you using 1.6?


On Jul 14, 3:10 am, Alex Rudnick <> wrote:
> Hey Ainata,
> We've got a pretty good GWT roadmap over 
> here:
> (although we should update that page, because we've already released GWT 1.6!)
> And somebody can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think all of those
> features listed under "Post 1.6" are going to be in the 2.0 version.
> Aside from UiBinder, they're already in the trunk. GWT 2.0 is coming
> pretty soon, but it's not hard to build the trunk from source, so you
> can try the new features today!
> We don't have an "official" list of libraries, but you can find quite
> a few GWT-related projects by searching Google Code like 
> this:
> On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 10:56 AM,
> Ainata-Leb<> wrote:
> > What will the next GWT release focus on and what is the expected date
> > for that?
> > Is there a centralized location/website that keeps tracks of GWT 3rd
> > party libs?
> Hope this helps!
> --
> Alex Rudnick
> swe, gwt, atl
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