I think that the issue that you're running into here is one of
mindset.  Web developers think in terms of pages but a Swing/MFC/thick
client developers dont. GWT is kind of a bridge between the two.

>From what i've seen, the GWT way of doing things is to clear out the
visible components and render your new components to give the user a
different view. (like you said)  Now is your question "how can i
create these two views in separate java files" (which is an
architecture question) or "how can i separate widget (element)
composition from Java" which is almost a philosophical question
because GWT (at least as far as i've seen) is not designed to operate
that way.  (which i believe is a design feature, not an oversight)

One other fly in the ointment that you may not have stumbled into yet
which will blow your mind at first is using the back button.  There is
lots of documentation out there on using GWT History and it's really a
different way of thinking coming from a web developer perspective.

...if you are asking the architecture question, so far i havent seen
much yet on best practices for organizing your classes and widgets but
you should start by searching for 'GWT Custom widgets' and
specifically checking out the Composite class.  That should get your
started in how you can organize and compose your various views.

Disclaimer... I've only been using GWT for about a month now but i've
been doing Swing/Visual C++/VB gui's for a long time and to me GWT
fits as naturally as anything i've ever seen from a web framework
perspective. But it is very different from Swing, Spring MVC, JSF and
the like.


On Jul 29, 5:34 am, "maarten.de...@gmail.com"
<maarten.de...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been trying out GWT for a couple of weeks now and stumbled upon a
> beginner's question relating multiple pages.
> For example, let's suppose an application with users where you have an
> application page, a login page and a register page. Using GWT for the
> application page speaks for itself, but what about the other pages?
> I've read the other topics about this problem in the group. It seems
> the proper GWT solution is to clear window and load another GUI there.
> This would actually wrap all the pages within the application. I can
> see how this solution would work, but then you lack a lot of usefull
> HTML pages that lay out the login and register forms. This way, making
> the lay-out of the page cannot be seperated from coding the
> application, at least not in HTML vs GWT/Java.
> Is there another way of working for this? One that does permit to
> seperate page lay-out and coding?
> Greets,
> Maarten Decat
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