Lucene: it slices, it dices

Right. That's just what I'd expect from a program whose name sounds
like a brand of cheese. During the long cold war, children were inspired
by Superman. In late 2003, Californians elected The Terminator to be
their governor. These turbulent times demand strong, heroic sounding
software.  We need Xapian Omega.

I am talking about a C++ thoroughbred champion. Easy to patch,
trivial to apt-get install, Xapian is an administrative dream.  The
unconvoluted build against a 100% Free Software chain means
Xapian is going to be less work, less fiddling. And therefore it may
be less likely to break.

When was the last time you searched Unicode characters

Ok, ok, you score some serious points here, especially on Asian
languages, but Xapian holds its own on European languages. I
think. Check out some Brazilian Portuguese action below.  And I
hear the Xapian team is working hard on full UTF-8 support.

I hate to double team you, but how about the ability to search
across two related lists at the same time? What, did I say two?
How about searching across 181 related lists at the same time? Ha,
ha, ha, in your face puny PyLucene!

But enough blustering from us - how about some comments from M-A


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