
I'm more than happy to test and report, but I have to at least get it compiled. It seems like it's getting closer.

C. Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
Director of Graduate Studies
School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
Arizona State University

Phone: 480-965-6262
Fax: 480-965-7671
www: <>

On Jul 9, 2008, at 11:24 PM, Martin Landa wrote:


thanks for the hits. I have commited some changes [1].

However I have no access to Mac. Needs some investigation how to make
off-screen rendering working.



2008/7/10 Glynn Clements <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Michael Barton wrote:

Are we at a place yet where I can compile and test this on a Mac,
given it's location of OpenGL in the agl directory?

The code won't compile on a Mac at present.

AFAICT, it requires at least:

  /* TODO */
- rwin->displayId = aglChoosePixelFmt(GDHandle *dev, int ndev, attributeList);
+    rwin->displayId = aglChoosePixelFmt(NULL, 0, attributeList);

-    rwin->contextId = aglCreateContext(rwin->display, NULL);
+    rwin->contextId = aglCreateContext(rwin->displayId, NULL);

  /* create win pixmap to render to (same depth as RootWindow) */
-    rwin->pixmap = NULL; /* TODO */
+    rwin->pixmap = <no idea what should go here, but it ain't NULL>;

There is some information on AGL at:


but I don't know how much of that refers to "classic" rather than OSX.
There's a lot more information in visualization/nviz/src/togl.c, but
it doesn't include creating off-screen pixmaps.

I also note:


      Off-screen Rendering

      To render off-screen, first create an off-screen graphics
      world in the usual way, and pass the handle into

Good luck on figuring out what "the usual way" is ;)

A Google search for aglCreateAGLPixmap produces exactly 7 hits; I've
just posted three of them, and the other 4 seem to be duplicates of
[1] and [3].

IOW, everything that mentions aglCreateAGLPixmap seems to assume that
you are already familiar with normal (non-OpenGL) Mac GUI programming.

In any case, it's going to require some amount of trial and error from
someone with a Mac.

Glynn Clements <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Martin Landa <landa.martin> * ~landa *

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