
Is it possible to export a raster map created using r.water.outlet to PostGIS in GRASS 78?  The documentation indicates using r.out.gdal with PostGISRaster as format. The command I'm trying is the following:

   r.out.gdal input=mywatershed format=PostGISRaster output=mywatershed createopt="PG:dbname='mydb'"

The postgresql server is running with locally and the database "mydb" can be accessed without having to enter a password using psql client.  However, this command fails with the error:

   ERROR 6: PostGISRasterDataset::CreateCopy() only works on source datasets that are PostGISRaster

Is something wrong in the command?  The error message seems to suggest that it is impossible to export the raster map created with r.water.outlet to PostGIS because it is not sourced from PostGIS. Can someone please confirm?

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