Dear Grass community, there is a very interesting grass add-on
(r.terrain.geom) that extracts fluvial terrace-like surfaces from digital
elevation models and also creates a pdf plot with graphs showing the
terrain characteristics and logic of process (R interface).
(Józsa, E., 2019. Geomorphometric application of quasi-global DEMs for
semi-automated geomorphological mapping. University of Pécs)

My winGrass version is 8.2 and I had to modify the TERRACE_jozsa (R-script)
in order to update the interface required package (rgrass instead
of spgrass6). Also the ggplot2 version was necessary to update. I'm sending
the new R script.
Actually, this is not an available add-on script via g.extension in oficial
repositories. I'm not sure which are the requirements to do this (some
improvements or check?), or if it is possible to make it accessible via a
public repository.
I´m sending data for easy checking.

Thanks very much in advance!

Title: GRASS GIS manual: r.terrace.geom
GRASS logo


r.terrace.geom - Extract terraces from DEM


raster, terrain, geomorphology, terraces, landform


r.terrace.geom --help
r.terrace.geom [-tfrl] elevation=name [slope_percent=name] [limit=integer] raster_water=name flowdir=string [azimuth=integer] report=name terrace_map=name [terrlevel=string[,string,...]] [--overwrite] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]


Remove valleys of tributaries based on geomorphons map
Filter slope map
Analyse right bank area (set only if elevation is total watershed)
Analyse left bank area (set only if elevation is total watershed)
Allow output files to overwrite existing files
Print usage summary
Verbose module output
Quiet module output
Force launching GUI dialog


elevation=name [required]
Name of input elevation model
Name of input slope percent map
limit=integer [required]
Altitude limit for terrace extraction (meter a.s.l.)
Default: 999
raster_water=name [required]
Name of input raster watercourse map (prepare with
flowdir=string [required]
General flow direction of the watercourse
Options: NS, SN, EW, WE
Azimuth to north in degrees
Default: 999
report=name [required]
Name for output report (path\to\name.pdf)
terrace_map=name [required]
Name for output terrace map
Altitude ranges of terrace levels seperated by comma (e.g. 100,105,107,111)
Default: 999,999


r.terrace.geom flexible terrain analysing tool is developed for the delineation and quantifiable analysis of terrace remnants.
The algorithm determines cells potentially belonging to terrace surfaces based on local slope characteristics and a minimum area size threshold.


The algorithm cuts up the area into parallel sections in flow direction and determines cells belonging to terrace-like surfaces.
As a result an output report is created that contains a histogram of altitudes, a swath profile of the landscape, scatter plots
to represent the relation of the relative elevations and slope values in the analysed sections and two final plots showing the
longitudinal profile of the river with the determined height ranges of terrace levels and a histogram of the values.


R 3.x (packages: spgrass6/rgrass7, ggplot2, data.table) & r.geomorphon add-on




  • Demoulin, A., Bovy, B., Rixhon, G., Cornet, Y., 2007. An automated method to extract fluvial terraces from digital elevation models. The Vesdre valley, a case study in Eastern Belgium. In: Geomorphology 91 (1-2), pp. 51-64.


Edina Jozsa
University of Pécs (Hungary)

Last changed: $Date: 2021-04-18 (Sun, 18 April 2021) $


Available at: r.terrace.geom source code (history)

Main index | Raster index | Topics index | Keywords index | Graphical index | Full index

© 2003-2016 GRASS Development Team, GRASS GIS 7.2.0 Reference Manual

#!/usr/bin/env python

AUTHOR(S): Edina Jozsa <edina.j0zs4 AT>

PURPOSE:   This flexible terrain analysing tool is developed for the
           delineation and quantifiable analysis of terrace remnants.
           The algorithm determines cells potentially belonging to
           terrace surfaces based on local slope characteristics
           and a minimum area size threshold.

NOTES:     The algorithm cuts up the area into parallel sections in
           flow direction and determines cells belonging to terrace-like
           surfaces. As a result an output report is created that contains
           a histogram of altitudes, a swath profile of the landscape,
           scatter plots to represent the relation of the relative elevations
           and slope values in the analysed sections and two final plots
           showing the longitudinal profile of the river with the determined
           height ranges of terrace levels and a histogram of the values.

DEPENDENCIES:    R 3.x (packages: spgrass6/rgrass7, ggplot2, plyr) &
            r.geomorphon add-on

COPYRIGHT: (C) 2015-2017 Edina Jozsa
           and the GRASS Development Team

           This program is free software under the GNU General Public
           License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
           for details.

Demoulin, A., Bovy, B., Rixhon, G., Cornet, Y., 2007. An automated
method to extract fluvial terraces from digital elevation models.
The Vesdre valley, a case study in Eastern Belgium.
In: Geomorphology 91 (1-2), pp. 51-64.


#% description: Extract terraces from DEM
#% keyword: raster
#% keyword: terrain
#% keyword: geomorphology
#% keyword: terraces
#% keyword: landform

#%option G_OPT_R_ELEV
#% key: elevation
#% description: Name of input elevation model
#% guisection: Elevation

#% key: t
#% description: Remove valleys of tributaries based on geomorphons map
#% guisection: Elevation

#%option G_OPT_R_INPUT
#% key: slope_percent
#% description: Name of input slope percent map
#% required : no
#% guisection: Elevation

#% key: f
#% description: Filter slope map
#% guisection: Elevation

#% key: limit
#% type: integer
#% description: Altitude limit for terrace extraction (meter a.s.l.)
#% required : yes
#% guisection: Elevation

#%option G_OPT_R_INPUT
#% key: raster_water
#% description: Name of input raster watercourse map (prepare with
#% required : yes
#% guisection: Watercourse

#% key: r
#% description: Analyse right bank area (set only if elevation is total watershed)
#% guisection: Watercourse

#% key: l
#% description: Analyse left bank area (set only if elevation is total watershed)
#% guisection: Watercourse

#% key: flowdir
#% type: string
#% description: General flow direction of the watercourse
#% required : yes
#% options: NS, SN, EW, WE
#% multiple: no
#% guisection: Watercourse

#% key: azimuth
#% type: integer
#% answer: 999
#% description: Azimuth to north in degrees
#% required : no
#% guisection: Watercourse

#%option G_OPT_F_OUTPUT
#% key: report
#% description: Name for output report (path\to\name.pdf)
#% required: yes
#% guisection: Output

#%option G_OPT_R_OUTPUT
#% key: terrace_map
#% description: Name for output terrace map
#% required: yes
#% guisection: Output

#% key: terrlevel
#% type: string
#% answer: 999,999
#% multiple: yes
#% description: Altitude ranges of terrace levels seperated by comma (e.g. 100,105,107,111)
#% guisection: Output

import os
import platform
import sys
import subprocess
import csv
import grass.script as grass
from grass.exceptions import CalledModuleError

def main():
    if platform.system() == 'Windows':
            import winreg
        except ImportError:
            import _winreg as winreg

                key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall', 0, winreg.KEY_READ | winreg.KEY_WOW64_64KEY)
                count = (winreg.QueryInfoKey(key)[0])-1
                while (count >= 0):
                    subkeyR = winreg.EnumKey(key, count)
                    if subkeyR.startswith('R for'):
                        count = -1
                        count = count-1
                key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, str('SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\' + subkeyR), 0, winreg.KEY_READ | winreg.KEY_WOW64_64KEY)
                value = winreg.QueryValueEx(key, 'InstallLocation')[0]
                key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall', 0, winreg.KEY_READ | winreg.KEY_WOW64_32KEY)
                count = (winreg.QueryInfoKey(key)[0])-1
                while (count >= 0):
                    subkeyR = winreg.EnumKey(key, count)
                    if subkeyR.startswith('R for'):
                        count = -1
                        count = count-1
                key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, str('SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\' + subkeyR), 0, winreg.KEY_READ | winreg.KEY_WOW64_64KEY)
                value = winreg.QueryValueEx(key, 'InstallLocation')[0]
            grass.message(_("R is installed!"))
            pathtor = os.path.join(value, 'bin\\Rscript')
            grass.fatal("Please install R!")

  ['which', 'R'])
            grass.message(_("R is installed!"))
            pathtor = 'Rscript'
            grass.fatal("Please install R!")
### Prepare elevation map
    elevation = str(options['elevation']).split('@')[0]
    incheck = grass.find_file(name=elevation, element='cell')
    if not incheck['file']:
        grass.fatal("Raster map <%s> not found" % elevation)
    grass.run_command('g.region', rast=elevation)
    gregion = grass.region()
    res = int(round(gregion['nsres']))

    ### Prepare slope map
    slope = str(options['slope_percent']).split('@')[0]
    if slope:
        incheck = grass.find_file(name=slope, element='cell')
        if not incheck['file']:
            grass.fatal("Raster map <%s> not found" % slope)
        grass.message(_("Generating slope percent map"))
        slope = str('temp_' + elevation + '_slope')
        grass.run_command('r.slope.aspect', elevation=elevation, slope=slope, format='percent')

    ## Filter slope map
    filter = flags['f']
    if filter:
        grass.message(_("Low-pass filter on slope percent map"))
        slope_filter = str(slope + '_filter')
        filter_size = round(150/res)
        if filter_size%2 == 0:
            filter_size = filter_size + 1
        grass.run_command('r.neighbors', input=slope, output=slope_filter, method='minimum', size=int(filter_size), flags='c')
        slope = slope_filter

    remvalley = flags['t']
    if remvalley:
    ## Check if r.geomorphon is installed
        if not grass.find_program('r.geomorphon', '--help'):
            grass.fatal("r.geomorphon is not installed")
            # Create temporary geomorphons map, to be able to map wider forms 300 meter is set as search radius (fits previous findings and SRTM)
            grass.message(_("Generating geomorphons map to remove valleys of tributaries"))
            geom_map = str('temp_'+ elevation + '_geomorphons')
                grass.run_command('r.geomorphon', elevation=elevation, search=330, skip=1, flat=0.7, dist=0, forms=geom_map, flags='m')
                grass.run_command('r.geomorphon', dem=elevation, search=330, skip=1, flat=0.7, dist=0, forms=geom_map, flags='m')
            # Remove cells of valleys and footslopes from elevation map [remove: hollow, valley, depression // keep: flat, summit, ridge, shoulder, spur, slope, footslope]
            notrib = str('temp_' + elevation + '_remvalleys')
            grass.mapcalc('$outmap = if($geom_map == 7 ||| $geom_map >= 9, null(), $elevation)', outmap=notrib, geom_map=geom_map, elevation=elevation)
            elevation = notrib

    limit = int(options['limit'])

### Prepare watercourse
    watercourse = str(options['raster_water']).split('@')[0]
    azimuth = int(options['azimuth'])
    ## Select which bank to analyse
    left = flags['l']
    right = flags['r']
    dir = str(options['flowdir'])
    if left or right:
        grass.run_command('g.region', zoom=watercourse)
        waterarea = grass.region(watercourse)
        grass.run_command('g.region', rast=elevation)
        elevarea = grass.region(elevation)
        if left: ## user set left side to analyse
            if dir == 'NS': ## side depends on flow direction
                Nw = int(waterarea.n)
                Sw = int(waterarea.s)
                Ee = int(elevarea.e)
                Ww = int(waterarea.w)
                grass.run_command('g.region', n=Nw, s=Sw, e=Ee, w=Ww, flags='a')
            elif dir == 'SN':
                Nw = int(waterarea.n)
                Sw = int(waterarea.s)
                Ew = int(waterarea.e)
                We = int(elevarea.w)
                grass.run_command('g.region', n=Nw, s=Sw, e=Ew, w=We, flags='a')
            elif dir == 'WE':
                Ne = int(elevarea.n)
                Sw = int(waterarea.s)
                Ew = int(waterarea.e)
                Ww = int(waterarea.w)
                grass.run_command('g.region', n=Ne, s=Sw, e=Ew, w=Ww, flags='a')
                Nw = int(waterarea.n)
                Se = int(elevarea.s)
                Ew = int(waterarea.e)
                Ww = int(waterarea.w)
                grass.run_command('g.region', n=Nw, s=Se, e=Ew, w=Ww, flags='a')
            area = str('temp_' + elevation + '_div')
            grass.mapcalc('$outmap = if(isnull($watercourse) == 1, 1, null())', outmap=area, watercourse=watercourse, elevation=elevation)
            clump = str('temp_' + area + '_clump')
            grass.run_command('r.clump', input=area, output=clump)
            value = grass.read_command('r.stats', input=clump, flags='cn', sort='desc')
            value = value.split()
            value = value[0]
            side_elev = str(elevation + '_left')
            grass.mapcalc('$outmap = if($clump == $value, $elevation, null())', outmap=side_elev, clump = clump, value = value, elevation = elevation)
            elevation = side_elev
        else: ## user set right side to analyse
            if dir == 'NS': ## side depends on flow direction
                Nw = int(waterarea.n)
                Sw = int(waterarea.s)
                Ew = int(waterarea.e)
                We = int(elevarea.w)
                grass.run_command('g.region', n=Nw, s=Sw, e=Ew, w=We, flags='a')
            elif dir == 'SN':
                Nw = int(waterarea.n)
                Sw = int(waterarea.s)
                Ee = int(elevarea.e)
                Ww = int(waterarea.w)
                grass.run_command('g.region', n=Nw, s=Sw, e=Ee, w=Ww, flags='a')
            elif dir == 'WE':
                Nw = int(waterarea.n)
                Se = int(elevarea.s)
                Ew = int(waterarea.e)
                Ww = int(waterarea.w)
                grass.run_command('g.region', n=Nw, s=Se, e=Ew, w=Ww, flags='a')
                Ne = int(elevarea.n)
                Sw = int(waterarea.s)
                Ew = int(waterarea.e)
                Ww = int(waterarea.w)
                grass.run_command('g.region', n=Ne, s=Sw, e=Ew, w=Ww, flags='a')
            area = str('temp_' + elevation + '_div')
            grass.mapcalc('$outmap = if(isnull($watercourse) == 1, 1, null())', outmap=area, watercourse=watercourse, elevation=elevation)
            clump = str('temp_' + area + '_clump')
            grass.run_command('r.clump', input=area, output=clump)
            value = grass.read_command('r.stats', input=clump, flags='cn', sort='desc')
            value = value.split()
            value = value[0]
            side_elev = str(elevation + '_right')
            grass.mapcalc('$outmap = if($clump == $value, $elevation, null())', outmap=side_elev, clump=clump, value=value, elevation=elevation)
            elevation = side_elev
### Set the area which should be exported by creating a MASK from the elevation and watercourse
    grass.run_command('g.region', rast=elevation)
    elevarea = grass.region(elevation)
    if dir == 'NS' or  'SN':
        N = int(elevarea.n)
        S = int(elevarea.s)
        E = int(elevarea.e)+2*res
        W = int(elevarea.w)-2*res
        grass.run_command('g.region', n=N, s=S, e=E, w=W, flags='a')
    if dir == 'EW' or  'WE':
        N = int(elevarea.n)+2*res
        S = int(elevarea.s)-2*res
        E = int(elevarea.e)
        W = int(elevarea.w)
        grass.run_command('g.region', n=N, s=S, e=E, w=W, flags='a')
    grass.mapcalc('MASK = if($elevation > 0 ||| $watercourse > 0, 1, null())', elevation=elevation, watercourse=watercourse)
    grass.run_command('g.region', rast='MASK')

### Prepare output and RUN R SCRIPT
    report = str(options['report'])
    if report.split('.')[-1] != 'pdf':
        grass.fatal("File type for output report is not pdf")
    terrace_map = str(options['terrace_map'])

    levels = str(options['terrlevel'])

    outputdata = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(report), 'tempout.txt')
    grass.run_command('r.stats', input=(elevation, slope, watercourse), output=outputdata, separator='space', flags='1gN') #exporting elevation, slope and watercourse altitude values, omitting cells with missing data

    grassversion = grass.version()
    grassversion = grassversion.version[:1]

    TERRargs = [elevation, slope, str(int(limit)), watercourse, dir, str(int(azimuth)), report, terrace_map, str(levels), str(grassversion)]
    pyscfold = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    pathtosc = os.path.join(pyscfold, 'TERRACE_jozsa.R')
    myRSCRIPT = [pathtor, pathtosc] + TERRargs
    if not os.path.isfile(pathtosc):
        grass.fatal("Put terrace extraction R script to GRASS scripts folder...")    

    grass.message(_("Starting R to run terrace extraction script... this may take some time..."))
    devnull = open(os.devnull, 'w')
    error =, stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull)

    if error > 0:
        grass.message(_("R error log below..."))
        errorlog = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(report), 'errorlog.Rout')
        Rerror = open(errorlog, 'r')
        grass.fatal("Terrace extraction in R failed...")
        grass.message(_("R process finished...Continue working in GRASS GIS..."))
### Remove temps
    grass.run_command('g.remove', type='raster', pattern='temp_*', flags='f')
    grass.run_command('g.remove', type='raster', pattern='MASK*', flags='f')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    options, flags = grass.parser()

Attachment: TERRACE_jozsa.R
Description: Binary data

Attachment: Makefile
Description: Binary data

# Terrace Extraction

In this subfolder are the necessary files to use the script tool on GRASS GIS versions on Linux (Tested on Ubuntu with 7.x.)
- To the best of my knowledge it is up to date and works, but please compare the change date to the version in root.

This README provides the information to install r.terrace.geom.

## Dependencies:

-   GRASS GIS 7.2
-   R 3.x (packages: spgrass6/rgrass7, ggplot2, plyr)
-   Python packages (os, platform, sys, subprocess, csv, grass.script, grass.exceptions)
-   GRASS GIS addon r.geomorphon

## Installation:
* Supposing you have a GRASS GIS 7.2 installed.

1.  Install GRASS GIS addon
    (g.extension extension=r.geomorphon operation=add)
       * otherwise the tool will inform you, that you miss it
2.  Install r.terrace.geom easy way: 
    g.extension extension=r.terrace.geom operation=add url=
       * for other installation solutions see the subfolders or follow description <a href="";>here</a>.
3.  Copy TERRACE_jozsa.R script to path/to/grassaddons/scripts folder ($HOME/.grass7/addons/scripts)
       * otherwise the tool will inform you to put it there
       * tool will automatically install necessary packages

4.  Open GRASS GIS and run command r.terrace.geom - the tool should work and you should see the available information on manual page

#### Notes:
**under development**<br>
Aim of the project is to create a raster add-on for GRASS GIS, that extracts terrace-like surfaces from digital elevation models and also creates a pdf plot with graphs showing the terrain characteristics and logic of process.
This is part of my PhD research regarding DEM/DSM based geomorphological mapping with semi-automated landform delineation algorithms.
The tool works, but the codes and possibly the algorithm could be further improved.

#### Output examples based on artificial terrain:

#### Acknowledgements:
The author would like to express her gratitude for the colleagues of the Department of Physical and Environmental Geography for the professional advices on the project and the support of the Doctoral School of Earth Sciences, University of Pécs. The present scientific contribution is dedicated to the 650th anniversary of the foundation of the University of Pécs.
_The research of Edina Józsa was supported by the Human Capacities Grant Management Office and the Hungarian Ministry of Human Capacities in the framework of the NTP-NFTÖ-16 project._

Attachment: LICENSE
Description: Binary data

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