What about using the fuzzy logic modules?


Please excuse brevity. Sent from tiny pocket computer with non-haptic
feedback keyboard.

On Wed, Dec 14, 2022, 13:38 Bernardo Santos via grass-user <
grass-user@lists.osgeo.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to produce scenarios of past land cover, before hydropower
> reservoirs were built. To do so, I need to fill empty pixels from a raster
> in the locations where the reservoirs are currently present, using as input
> the actual land cover map. I tried doing that with r.neighbors (taking
> method=mode) with neighborhoods of increasing size, to replace null pixels
> with the most common land cover class in the neighborhood. I also tried
> that with r.fill.stats which is basically the same thing.
> However, the results gets very homogeneous, since the interpolated null
> cells always get the value of the most common land cover class.
> Do anyway know of a method in GRASS to perform a "probabilistic"
> neirighborhood analysis, where cells in a neighborhood are given weights
> (possibly related to the distance to the central cell and to their
> frequency) and these weights are used to stocastically sample a value to
> fill the central cell?
> If not in GRASS, does anyway know of such a method in a different
> platform, i.e. R?
> Thanks!
> Best
> Bernardo
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