elfio wrote:
> (snip)
> Well, could show you the code, but I don't have a real code... I mean
> that everything I have written didn't work so I have no code to
> improve, continue or other... I think I'm explaing very wel if is
> there, please tell me :p
Well, if your code was working, you wouldn't be asking the list, would 
you? :-P
The code below is moderately useful, thanks.
> At the begining I tried with that:
> /*function GenRandom(_Limite){
>       _Random = Math.random() * _Limite;
>       _Random = Math.floor(_Random)//Math.floor es la función parte entera.
>     return _Random
> }
> //
> var n
> for (n=0;n<=20;n++)
> {
>       _Retraso = GenRandom(3000) + 3000;//Generamos un retraso de entre 3 y
> 6 segundos.
>       listaNueva = unsafeWindow.listaduracionimagenes;//Importamos el Array
> GM_log('La longitudad de la cadena nueva es: ' + listaNueva.length)
>       TiempoBase = parseInt(listaNueva[n]) * 1000;//Leemos el tiempo que
> dura el anuncio
>       _TiempoEspera = TiempoBase + _Retraso;//Sumamos el Retraso y la
> duración del anuncio
> GM_log('El tiempo de espera total será: ' + _TiempoEspera)
>       _Puntuacion = GenRandom(5);//Generamos de forma aleatoria la
> puntuación a dar al anuncio
> GM_log('La puntuación que le vamos a dar va a ser: ' + _Puntuacion)
>       setTimeOut('Puntuar('+_Puntuacion+')',_TiempoEspera);//Después del
> tiempo de espera, lo puntuamos.
> }
> */
I'm not quite sure what this script is trying to do, as my Spanish is 
rather rusty; can you explain that, and also provide the log messages 
from a sample run of this code?
It might also be nice to have a _trimmed-down_ copy of the page you're 
trying to run it on, or perhaps that can wait for later, if necessary; 
we don't want to overwhelm the list ;-).
> But I had some problems with the unsafeWindow command. It did work in
> the page I made by a copy of the source code but no in the source
> page.
> I have other 'tries'. If you want, I'll show you.
> Thank you again!

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