Try something like ||"text" + escape("\r\n") + "more text"|| to create a 
CRLF between "text" and "more text" (untested, but should work). If that 
doesn't do the job, try encoding the HTML entities (


On 2009-09-28 22:26, JoeW wrote:
> Hey there,
> I am new to Greasemonkey.  Loving t so far.  I have, what I am sure
> is, a novice question.  I am injecting the following html into a
> particular webpage:
> logo.innerHTML = '<form id="populateRemedyTicket" ' +
>       'name="populateRemedyTicket" ' +
>       'action="
> +Admin+View/?mode=Submit' +
>       '&F536870923=Device - ' + device + ', Component - ' + component + ',
> Event Class - ' + eventClass + ', Event Key - ' + eventKey + ',
> Summary - ' + summary + ', Message - ' + message + ', First Time - ' +
> firstTime + ', Last Time - ' + lastTime + ', Device Groups - ' +
> DeviceGroups + ', IP Address - ' + ipAddress +
>       'method="post" target="_blank">  ' +
>       '<input type="submit" value="Create Ticket"></form>  ';
> I am interested in including some newlines in the "action" form
> attribute.  The get variable "F536870923" populates a textarea with
> its value once the form is submitted.  So, html like<br>  or<p>  won't
> work.  I need to somehow insert a few newlines to make the
> "F536870923" value more human-readable when it is dumped in the
> textarea.
> I am trying to add \n /\n and other strings to the "action" form
> attribute, but is is not working.
> Again, total novice here looking for some help.
> Thanks in advance,
> Joe

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