Are you getting any messages in the Error Console?
What happens if you insert an alert just before calling fireEvent?

On 2010-03-01 09:16, FedeWP wrote:
Hi everyone,

I want to simulate a link click in Firefox using Javascript. Directly
navigating to the address is not enough in my case.
I've been struggling and making research about this for quite a while now,
read many forums and posts.
I try a specific code in a Javascript console and it works, but when I use
the same code on a GreaseMonkey script the link is not clicked.

Here goes the code I'm trying:

                 link = document.getElementById('link');
                 alert('link = ' + link);
                 function fireEvent(obj,evt){
                     var fireOnThis = obj;
                     if( document.createEvent ) {
                         var evObj = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
                         evObj.initEvent( evt, true, false );
                     } else if( document.createEventObject ) {
                 fireEvent(link, 'click');

The link element is obtained correctly but the alert('fireEvent') never gets

Is my approach correct or should I try other way?
Does Firefox somehow prevents clicking a link programatically?

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


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