Ammerland, 14th March, 2009 
No. 02/2009

TOURA D'OR Film Contest 2008
Sustainable Tourism in Films and TV Productions 

Today, at the International Tourism Exchange (Internationale Tourismus-Börse 
ITB) in Berlin, the Studienkreis für Tourismus und Entwicklung (Institute for 
Tourism and Development ) announced the winners of the TOURA D'OR 2008. In the 
category "information films and documentaries" two entries were awarded with 
the TOURA D'OR trophy: the ARTE production Chile - Die Stimmen der Wüste (Chile 
- Voices of the Desert) and the documentary Journey of a Red Fridge by Lunam 
Docs, which is set in Nepal. The Special Award for educational films, awarded 
by the Konferenz der Landesfilmdienste (Conference of Regional Film Services) 
goes to Die Sklavenstraße von Ouidah (The Slave Route of Ouidah), a documentary 
by bce film / Bavarian Broadcasting.
The "TOURA D'OR Film Contest Sustainable Tourism", bianually held since 1990, 
awards trophies to film and TV productions which promote socially responsible, 
environmentally friendly and thus sustainable tourism.
A total of 55 film productions were submitted in 2008. "We are particularly 
pleased to have had very different kinds of entries, which dealt with the 
subject of the contest in a very committed and creative manner, and from very 
different perspectives," said Studienkreis Managing Director Wibke Reger. More 
than half of the films dealt with tourism issues in developing countries and 
newly industrurialized countries.
In Chile - Voices of the Desert (ARTE-Strasbourg, Series: "The new Paradises," 
43 minutes, German/French, 2008), Pascal Vasselin introduces viewers of those 
regions which, from a touristy perspective, have not been taken too much note 
of. He manages to draw a very graphic picture of the high mountain desert of 
The government of Chile has left it to the local indigenous people to set up 
and take care of nature parks in the wilderness. They are thus able to control 
the increasing tourism themselves - and also the growing prosperity that comes 
with it. The film describes the objectives of the local guides, and the 
instruments they choose in order to ensure that the exploration of the Atacama 
happens in a careful and sustainable manner. In several statements indigenous 
people allow insights into their daily lives which have come to be dominated by 
tourism. Their efforts to maintain a balance between the necessary conservation 
of nature and the soaring tourism is evident. People's changing living and 
working conditions are well described. 
Another TOURA D'OR 2008 went to the film Journey of a Red Fridge by Lunam Docs 
from Novi Sad in Serbia (52 minutes, Nepali with English subtitles, 2007). The 
documentary film-maker couple Natasa and Lucian Muntean share a story with the 
audience that may strike as absurd: From the heights of the Himalayas, 
17-year-old Hari Prasad Rai carries a big red fridge down into the valley to 
have it repaired.
The Nepalese scenery in which the young man carries his heavy load over a 
period of several days is inhospitable and at the same time so beautiful that 
it seems surreal. The film fascinates due to the might of the images, the 
excellent camera work, the editing, the music which has been used sparingly, 
the original sound and the often surprising conversations by the wayside.
Hari Rai talks about his life as a porter in a modest, self-critical and 
humorous way. At the age of 14 he started to work as a porter to earn money for 
his education - and this tour is also meant to help him finance his studies 
which he has taken up in the meantime. By joining him along his way we learn a 
lot about people's living conditions in the Himalayas, about the clash between 
tradition and modernity, and about the tourists whose luggage Hari carried. In 
a few sentences about Western tourists, the young Nepali holds a mirror to the 
western audience. In a surprising, captivating and touching manner the story 
shows the opportunities as well as the dark sides associated with tourism. 
The Special Award for educational films, awarded by the Konferenz der 
Landesfilmdienste (Conference of Regional Film Services), goes to the contest 
entry Die Sklavenstraße von Ouidah (The Slave Route of Ouidah) by Bettina 
Ehrhardt (bce film / Bayerischer Rundfunk, Kompass-Auslandsreportage, 28 
minutes, German, 2008). According to the jury, the author has managed to 
produce an exceptional documentary which shows the history of the slave trade 
from Africa to America and recent efforts to come to terms with this sorrowful 
Ouidah is a place in the West African state of Benin. Important trade routes 
from all over the region used to lead to this place. At that time, slaves were 
deported to the coast under inhumane conditions in order to be shipped across 
the Atlantic by savvy traders. Little known aspects of slavery are addressed: 
The role of local chiefs and middlemen who supported the slave trade, and the 
role of European slave traders who mingled with the local population and 
produced a kind of Euro-African upper class. 
Today, local people as well as foreign tourists - among them many descendants 
of African slaves - visit the "Gate of no Return" and other memorial sites, 
learn about the history of the slave trade and commemorate the suffering of the 
people who were shipped from this place as late as the 19th century. It is an 
emotionally moving film that graphically portrays a "place of remembrance and 
In her speech in honour of the winners, Evelyn Huhmann-Durra, member of the 
jury and editor with "VOX Film- und Fernseh-GmbH" emphasized: "The TOURA D'OR 
acknowledges films that manage to emotionally familiarise the audience with a 
different country and its people; that reduce anxieties and encourage people to 
get closer to what they may consider as strange."

Responsible for the text: Klaus Betz

The TOURA D'OR will again invite submissions of new entries in spring 2010. It 
is organised by:

Studienkreis für Tourismus und Entwicklung e.V., Ammerland

in cooperation with:

The Commissioner for the Integration of Immigrants of the Federal State of 

German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

German Church Development Service (EED) - Tourism Watch

Non-Profit Educational Programme North-South-Network of the Confederation of 
German Trade Unions

Catholic Foreign Office of the German Bishops' Conference

Konferenz der Landesfilmdienste e.V. (Conference of Regional Film Services)

ITB Berlin

Austrian Development Cooperation in the Foreign Ministry / respect

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