The Nativity Trail 2009

The Alternative Tourism Group (ATG) and Siraj Center for Holy Land 
Studies proudly announce re-inaugurating the Nativity Trail from 
Nazareth to Bethlehem in 2009.  

Now, 2000 years after the historic journey of Joseph and Mary, the 
modern city of Bethlehem invites you to make a symbolic and historic 
journey by walking Palestine's Nativity Trail.
This walking trail was originally inaugurated in 1999. However, the 
route has been recently researched again and modified to suit the new 
changes on the ground
Meeting the people while walking the Nativity Trail will be an 
opportunity to meet a diverse range of people: Franciscan priests on 
Mount Tabor, Muslim clerics at village mosques, Greek Orthodox monks 
in desert monasteries, hillside farmers and their families, small-town 
shopkeepers and craftspeople, Bedouin shepherds watering their flocks 
at ancient cisterns, and many more interesting people.

The Nativity Trail is an opportunity to understand the Geopolitical 
situation in the Holy Land by observing it while walking through the 
valleys and mountains of Palestine.  It gives the participants the 
chance to have a first hand experience of the situation on the ground.  

The Nativity Trial is not just a trip; it is a journey of dialogue, 
openness and interaction with new people.  

Participants will be able to understand the Flora and Fauna of 
Palestine and the Bible, and will be able to embrace the culture that 
lasted in Palestine for thousands of years.  

Dates:               12 Mar 2009    until      23 Mar 2009 
                        23 Apr 2009    until      04 May 2009
                        08 Oct 2009    until      19 Oct 2009 
                        29 Oct 2009    until      09 Nov 2009 
                        12 Nov 2009   until      23 Nov 2009 
               13 Dec 2009    until      24 Dec 2009 ( Christmas 

For more information about the Nativity Trail please visit our 

You are most welcome,

ATG and Siraj 

George S. Rishmawi
Siraj, Center For Holy Land Studies 
Beit Sahour, Schoold Street
P.O.Box 48
Tel: +972 2 274 8590
Fax: +972 2 274 8774
Mobile: 0599 180 872
USA number: 1 989 607 9480

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