Just to clarify on how well-oiled this campaign is the official sarah palin
facebook page has 116,000 or more fans, where pertinent questions on her
homophobia, stance on abortion etc. are asked, while there is even a
facebook porn page on Palin on facebook called *I would totally do Sarah
Palin. *Whats interesting is that most of these groups have sprung up around
her VP nomination seemingly pointing to the need for an American Politician
to go public only when faced with a choice of her/his foriegn policy
The Barack Obama official facebook group has around 1,740,295 members, John
McCain throws up at the max 315,307 supporters. There are more Obama hate
groups than McCain hate groups. But Obama seems to be generating more
internet interest on the whole. While Hillary Clinton has only 116,902
supporters on her page, she seems to have a personal facebook page, while
Joe Biden as a politician fetches around 49,000 supporters
Atleast the facebook stroy seems to be a Obama vs. Palin fight, based
sheerly on the group activity and number of responses thrown on a simple
search, which in itself is a giant leap for the American society and a tiny
respite for a battered world
p.s- the figures are as and when I last searched facebook five minutes back

2008/9/10 Bobby Kunhu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> For those interested and on Facebook, there is a new interesting group on
> Facebook called *I Have more Foriegn Policy Experience than Sarah Palin *
> http://www.new.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=36436310820&ref=nfwith 
> around 60,000 members already.
> This group ridicules Palin.
> To quote the group description
> "For all of you dumbfounded by the selection of Governor Sarah Palin as
> John McCain's running mate. This moose-eating political featherweight could
> be a heartbeat away from the presidency - what a frightening thought"
> I have a feeling that quite a lot of Sarah Palin effect is media created
> 2008/9/10 damodar prasad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The Palin effect: white women now deserting Obama, says survey.
>> http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2008/sep/10/women.uselections2008
>> White women voters are deserting the Democratic presidential candidate
>> Barack Obama because of the sudden emergence on the Republican ticket of
>> Sarah Palin, according to a poll yesterday.
>> An ABC/Washington Post survey recorded that an eight-point lead Obama held
>> over his Republican rival John McCain before the arrival of Palin had turned
>> into a 12% lead for McCain.
>> The trend is in line with other polls since McCain's vice-presidential
>> running mate ignited the Republican convention with a speech last week
>> espousing social conservative values and presenting herself as a small-town
>> mother taking on the cosmopolitan media.
>> McCain has taken a 3% lead in a tracking poll by the RealClearPolitics
>> website.
>> Although the momentum has shifted to McCain and Palin, the election will
>> be decided by independents and moderates, where Obama's domestic and foreign
>> programme should have the greater appeal.
>> However, the loss of support among white women could be fatal for his
>> chances of winning the presidency if it was to be sustained. Obama had upset
>> this constituency before the conventions, with many Democratic women unhappy
>> that he had dumped their champion, Hillary Clinton, out of the nomination
>> race.
>> McCain received another boost when Rupert Murdoch's New York Post backed
>> him in a front-page editorial. Earlier this year, Murdoch, who has extensive
>> media outlets across the US, had hinted of support for Obama.
>> Palin campaigned with McCain again yesterday, before taking off on her own
>> for what is likely to be a tumultuous return to her home state, Alaska. She
>> is not only bringing in the crowds but also the funding. McCain said a
>> single fundraising event in Chicago had brought in $4m.
>> The Democrats were initially uncertain about how to respond to Palin, but
>> Obama, in recognition of her impact, now devotes almost as much time to
>> attacking her as he does McCain.
>> At a rally on Monday, he ran through her CV: "Mother, governor, moose
>> shooter. That's cool," he said. But he went on to say that voters had to
>> look beyond and study her record as a Republican to see that she would
>> amount to a continuation of the policies pursued by President George Bush
>> over the past eight years.
>> Obama's campaign manager, David Plouffe, acknowledged she had energised
>> the Republican base but said the crux question was whether she would succeed
>> in reaching out to independents in the run-up to the election on November 4.
>> Obama's campaign team are continuing to go through her political record in
>> Alaska, in particular her initial support for the Bridge to Nowhere, a $400m
>> link to an island with a population of just 50. She later switched to
>> opposition of the project. Obama said: "You can't just reinvent yourself.
>> The American people aren't stupid. What they are looking for is someone who
>> has consistently been calling for change."
>> A BBC poll published today will show that, despite the tightness of the
>> race in the US, Obama is the overwhelming favourite in 22 countries. He is
>> preferred to McCain by a four to one margin on average across the 22,000
>> people polled.
>> The margin in favour of Obama ranges from just 9% in India to 82% in
>> Kenya. On average 49% prefer Obama to 12% preferring McCain. Nearly four in
>> 10 do not take a position
>> >>
> --
> Bobby Kunhu http://community.eldis.org/myshkin/Blog/

Bobby Kunhu http://community.eldis.org/myshkin/Blog/

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