This moment of pure greatness will prove an inspiration not just for
Africa's young people, but for our leaders too

This morning I am going to Uhuru Park in Nairobi to plant a tree. A plaque
on it will read: "This was planted to mark the moment Barack Obama was
elected president of the United States of America." It will stand next to
the tree that Obama planted when he visited last year, and will be a lasting
testament to this historic moment: a wonderful thing for America and the

Across Kenya, people are celebrating the fact that a son of this nation has
become president. Many stayed up all night. There is such a feeling of
connection with him that a national holiday has been declared. Kenyans know
he is first and foremost American, but at the same time someone we can call
a relative.

I was at the US embassy in our capital yesterday at 5am, when the
announcement came in. There were so many people, many of them students or
schoolchildren, feeling such excitement and happiness. Obama has
demonstrated that America is a country where, if you are strong, committed
and focused, you can reach your goals.

I hope that young Kenyans who see this can be inspired to raise the bar for
themselves, to go beyond the barriers that have prevented so many from
realising the dreams of America. And I hope other countries can give their
own sons and daughters the same chances in life.

Similarly, I hope that African leaders can take advantage of the
opportunities Obama's administration is likely to create. It is important
for African citizens to realise that he's not directly going to feed them,
clothe them, pay them, or take away their difficulties; what they need to do
is roll up their sleeves and make the most of the new situation.

Earlier this year Kenya was riven by ethnic conflict. Now Obama has shown us
all that a society can elect its best person as leader, and reject the
ethnic labels we are so often stuck with. So many leaders across the world,
in Africa especially, have exploited these differences to divide their
people and bring misery and conflict. Right now that is happening on a
catastrophic scale in the Democratic Republic of Congo. I hope that leaders
across Africa will be inspired: here is a young man who could have been one
of their own people, but who may have found it impossible to overcome his
ethnicity in the continent of his father.

Kenyan pride, then, is offset by a certain amount of ethnic violence. We
look to America and see a country that overcame those tensions and elected a
black man. I hope Kenyans will raise their own sense of humanity and respect
people's talent rather than their ethnic background.

If there is one thing I would personally wish of Obama, it would be to fight
for the environment. I would urge his administration to help Africa protect
its forests and to adapt to the changing climate. We know that Africa will
be very adversely affected. The post-Kyoto protocol negotiations are
ongoing, and forests must be included as part of the solution. I hope
America will support that.

I feel a further connection with Obama because, like his father, I was one
of those chosen for the Kennedy airlift in the 1960s, in which the US gave
scholarships for young people from Africa's emerging nations to study at US
universities. I was based in a small college in Atchison, Kansas, from 1960
to 1966. I remember travelling by Greyhound bus from New York to Kansas,
shortly after arriving in the country. Trying to get soda in Indiana, we saw
a cafe, and crossed the road. But we were refused a drink. When we asked
why, we were told it was because we were black. We didn't understand it - we
were just kids. It was a completely new and confusing experience.

As I think of Obama's victory, I also remember the demonstrations at the
time led by Martin Luther King and others; in particular, his march on
Washington. There was such great division between white and black.

I could not keep my eyes dry when I recalled Dr King's words: "I have a
dream." So much of that dream has been echoed this week. I did not believe I
would live to see that moment. At the time the dream seemed far into the
future, hundreds of years. Just 40 years have passed. Amazing. I can only
hope it is the beginning of a better world for our children and their

When you look at the people receiving Obama in Chicago, they are white,
black, yellow - exactly as envisaged by Dr King. The US truly has overcome.
And with the global reaction it seems like the whole world is joining in
that overcoming. This is one of the most inspiring moments of my life.
Americans have elected a person of extraordinary character and ability, who
also happens to be black. It is a moment of greatness for all humanity.

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