Thanks, Henry,
Actually, if lualatex is installed correctly, it would already be on the PATH.

But in the case that it is NOT, that's what I'm asking about.

On 3/18/2015 10:24 PM, Henry So Jr. wrote:
If you're looking for lualatex.exe on the search PATH, then this page
may help:


On Wednesday, 18 March 2015 at 08:11:36 pm -0500, Brother Gabriel-Marie wrote:
Hi, all.  I'm working on a wizard that will try and find the
path location of lualatex.exe in Windows.  This is partly
for my Greg program, and if it is successful, I might create
an application to accompany Gregorio.

Now, if the environmental variable is set correctly, there is no problem 
fetching the path, for it is easy enough to extract the value from the 
environmental var (but you don't need to do that anyway since its an env var).

/I am wondering if someone knows some obscure file or
registry setting or something that might lend a clue.//
//I have a question here, but I don't think there is a real
than the hard way: searching and guessing./

Now, there is the .texlive2012 or .texlive2013 directory
that gets created in the %userprofile% directory, but that's
no help.  There's no files inside that lend any clue other
than the years in the folder name.

NotatioAntiqua has a find-wizard like this, but I think it
just does a brute-force search.

So I figure I'd guess like this:
First, I'd look in the %userprofile% directory for the
folders there and fetch the 2012 or 2013 from the folder
name.  At least I can know what version is installed.

Then, I know that lualatex.exe will always be installed like
But the user can change the location of directory below that.

So I'd look through directories in this order:
c:\program files(x86)\texlive\2013\win32\bin\lualatex.exe
c:\program files\texlive\2013\win32\bin\lualatex.exe
c:\program files\texlive\win32\bin\lualatex.exe

Then, if those all failed, I'd look through other
letter-drives, which I could programmatically fetch a list
of.  For example, if my script knows there is a d drive, I'd
look here:

That's what I've thought of so far.
Does anyone have any other ideas/advice?

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