Dear All,

I'm very happy to announce the first release candidate of the Gregorio
3.0.0. You can download it at

The recent changes (listed in the link above) are quite impressive and
future release (in May we hope) will continue to bring many new features
and long-standing bug fixes.

Gregorio development is now really a team work, and I would like to
thank Henry So, Br. Samuel Springuel and Br. Elijah Schwab for all the
work they've achieved, and all the good energy they bring to the project!

This version is what is called a "release candidate", this means that if
no critical unknown bug is discovered, this will be the final 3.0.0
release. So please try it and report any bug you find or any difficulty
you encounter (including in the documentation) on

Your projects might need some modifications to use this version, see

Thank you,

Gregorio-users mailing list

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