    We are developing a transfer service with jGlobus1.7.0 and Globus
Toolkit 4.2.1. It's a multithreaded service. Each thread has an instance of
org.globus.ftp.GridFTPClient for 3rd-party transfers.
    In some circumstances (for example, very heavy system load), we found
that a 3rd-party transfer cannot end occasionally even if the file has been
completely transferred. The work thread just hung there for hours. According
to the debug info,the sending end has already sent "226 Transfer Complete."
and I think its monitor thread has already exited according to the debug
message "thread dying naturally".
    I've read some source codes about the
"org.globus.ftp.GridFTPClient.extendedTransfer()" call.I'm afraid the other
monitor thread is still blocking so function call "extendedTransfer" cannot
return normally.
    Is it a known issue or Is there any workaround to this problem?
Currently we have created a guard thread to check if a transfer has been in
idle state for too long.
    Any input will be appreciated.
Stay Fabulous,
Xishi PAN

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