On Mon, Jun 06, 2005 at 03:22:51PM +0100, y g wrote:
> after following the scribble example on the Gtk tutorial I try to save
> the image produced. Looking on the documentation of GdkPixbuf I found
> I could use the following which however gives me a segmentation fault
> in my program.
> static GdkPixmap *pixmap = NULL;
> gdk_pixbuf_save(GDK_PIXBUF(pixmap), "temp.bmp", "bmp", NULL);
> I know that pixmap is of type of GdkPixmap and that arg 1 of the
> function must be a GDK_PIXBUF and hence the cast. But as I said I am
> getting a segmentation fault. Any clues why?

No matter the bad typecast, you are trying to save a NULL
pointer.  So what else you can expect than a segfault?

And to the bad typecast.  Neither of GdkPixbuf, GdkPixmap is
a child of the other.  See gdk_pixbuf_get_from_drawable()
for how to get a GdkPixbuf from a drawable.


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