On Wed, 2006-12-13 at 21:20 +0000, Chris Vine wrote:
> On Wednesday 13 December 2006 18:05, Philip Boulain wrote:
> > When GTK+ is in its main run loop, blocking on an event, is there a way
> > to awaken/unblock it from some external thread such that it will pay
> > attention to newly-added idle functions?
> I does that by itself.  You have probably not called g_thread_init() (or 
> Glib::thread_init()).

Ah, I wondered if it was supposed to.

I haven't, no; my understanding of those is that they will enable the
Glib-specific threading system. I was kind of concerned about how that
would interact with the fact that we're already using pthreads (various
comic historic reasons).

I have now added it, and that appears to work, at least for the Linux
build. (If it breaks for Windows, I get to see how much teeth-gnashing
can come from having to port a load of pthreads-based code over to Glib
threads can cause. ;) )

(For the sake of catching stupid newbie errors which may later bite me
in the posterior: the thread_init() directly precedes the Gtk::Main()
construction, within the UI thread; from what I can tell, this is the
correct approach.)

Thanks again,

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