On Fri, 2005-12-09 at 21:50 +0000, Bill Haneman wrote:
> >
> GAIL is not used to the widgets having stuff added to the list 
> asynchronously.  Are you saying that this change will not cause the list 
> to be incrementally grown?

Right now the file chooser tries to load the whole current folder in
under 0.5 seconds.  If it succeeds, it will appear to Gail and the user
as if the list had been set up with a fully pre-built model.  If it
times out, it will put what it has in the list, and then will add
incoming files incrementally.

So, most of the time you don't see it adding files incrementally,
because it is actually able to pull in the whole list of files in under
0.5 sec.

Kris's changes don't modify that behavior, AFAIK.


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