Yevgen Muntyan wrote:
> Matthias Clasen wrote:
>> On 6/12/07, Yevgen Muntyan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Sorry for not being clear, I meant how widget names are used in rc
>>> files/strings. Gtk docs seem to imply that widget names have
>>> other uses, perhaps there are some, don't know.
>>>> and how are they related to widgets constructed
>>>> by GtkBuilder?
>>> It was my question actually. "#GtkWidget implements this to map
>>> the buildable name to the widget name" - what does it mean? Does
>>> GtkBuilder call gtk_widget_set_name(widget, "name_from_xml_file")
>>> for constructed widgets? Or something else?
>> It means that widgets only have one name, which can be get/set by either
>> the GtkWidget api or by the GtkBuildable api.
> Um, then gtk_widget_get/set_name is going to be deprecated?
> gtk_widget_set_name() sets widget->name member, and that structure
> member is used (in particular?) by themes, that's how it works.
> What does "name of GtkBuildable" mean?

In any case, the question "Does GtkBuilder call
gtk_widget_set_name(widget, "name_from_xml_file")" still
stands. It can be important since it will break widgets which
set name in a constructor or before (some do, e.g. to modify
cursor color). And it can become actually important now,
since until glade-3 it was rather impossible to use fancy
non-stock widgets. Or, if other code relies on "widget
name" being name from xml, setting the name to modify
style will break that other code.


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