On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 9:01 PM, Simos Xenitellis
>  1. jhbuild build gtk+        (just 16 packages)
>  2. jhbuild shell           to get a shell with env variables properly set.
>  3. now run your test program that is based on gtk+; will use fresh
>  gtk+ library, the rest of the libraries come from the system
>  4. hack gtk+, then type "make install" to refresh your build with the
>  new changes (takes <15s on modern systems)
>  5. go to step 3.

Only FIFTEEN SECONDS?? That is amazingly quick. I thought I had a
reasonably fast computer, but just the install step after make is
successful takes 53 seconds. Most of that time is spent by libtool
relinking libraries and it seems (to me) improbable that it can be
done in less than 15 seconds.

mvh Björn
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