On 07/12/2009 01:02 PM, Frederic Peters wrote:
Alexander Larsson wrote:

The client-side-windows branch has now been merged into master.

The http://git.gnome.org/cgit/gtk+/commit/?id=0b586a5a change to

@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ struct _GdkDrawableClass
    void (*draw_drawable)  (GdkDrawable  *drawable,
                           GdkGC        *gc,
                           GdkDrawable  *src,
+                         GdkDrawable  *original_src,
                           gint          xsrc,
                           gint          ysrc,
                           gint          xdest,

breaks a part of the API/ABI that is (at least) used in PyGTK:

gdk.c:7243: warning: passing argument 4 of ‘((struct GdkDrawableClass
   *)g_type_check_class_cast((struct GTypeClass *)klass,
   gdk_drawable_get_type()))->draw_drawable’ makes pointer from integer
   without a cast
gdk.c:7243: error: too few arguments to function ‘((struct
   GdkDrawableClass *)g_type_check_class_cast((struct GTypeClass *)klass,

How should this matter be resolved ?

For starters, why isn't pygtk just using gdk_drawable_draw_drawable() instead of dereferencing the class pointer?

Regardless, if you check out current master, it appears that change that's causing your problem isn't there anymore (instead there's a draw_drawable_with_src function pointer that's been added to GdkDrawableClass). See http://git.gnome.org/cgit/gtk+/log/gdk/gdkdrawable.h. This was fixed 11 days ago, it seems.

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