Antonio Coralles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm really courious about the classes in Gnome::Canvasmm, but only with
> the reference, i'm somekind of lost, as i dont't have any Gtk+
> background ... So, what i want to know is, if there are some simple
> examples, or a tutorial which illustrates the usage of this classes. At
> the moment i don't even know how to create a gtkmm app which uses a
> Canvas to display some text ...

Isn't there an example in the distribution? But you could try
searching for examples for the plain C interface (I know there are a
couple of those around) then convert it to the C++ interface. Both
Hardware Monitor and Monster Masher use Gnome::Canvas if you need
source code to look at

BTW: As far as I understand things, the canvas is going to be
deprecated soon in favour of a new one in GTK+ based on Cairo. I don't
know how far they are with the plans at the moment, though.

Ole Laursen
gtkmm-list mailing list

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