On Tue, 2010-09-28 at 09:55 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:

> We could just unref the underlying object, but once the wrapping C++
> object has been destroyed, the vfuncs (and default signal handlers) will
> fall back to default C implementations, if any, and this could even
> cause different UI behaviour.
> If I must, then I'll force Gtk::CellRenderer and Gtk::TreeViewColumn to
> be used only via RefPtr<>, like other reference-counted objects, but
> this will probably just annoy C++ programmers. They feel like widgets,
> so it seems odd for them to not have similar memory management.

g_object_run_dispose() is very similar to gtk_widget_destroy() in terms
of memory management semantics. The main difference is that there's
no ::destroy signal emitted.

- Owen

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