2010/12/3 Kees Kling <ckl...@upcmail.nl>:
> Sorry, but I don't know anything about ogr3d yet, but I started to work on a
> similar thing. I also want a window in which  I can draw, but then with the
> Cairo::context. In the tutorial is a chapter about custom widgets, which is
> the way I try to do it. Perhaps this will be also a lead for you

The window to draw on is a Gdk::Window, not a Gtk::Window (completely
different things). Gtk::Window represents a toplevel window with
border decorations and normal window buttons while Gdk::Window
represents a drawable area.

The easiest way to create a custom widget that only displays something
is to use a Gtk::DrawingArea and override its on_draw method.

Regards, Krzysztof
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