Am 18.02.2015 um 19:40 schrieb Klaus Rudolph:
> Good hint! I run under kde environment. With a gnome desktop it works as 
> expected :-) But is there a way to fix this problem so that the program runs 
> under other desktops/wm also? I run on a fedora 21 with quite new gnome and 
> kde installed. It is no problem to switch there between gnome and kde but 
> other users have maybe only kde or some other desktop/wm. Any idea how to dig 
> in the details of that problem?

I don't know what exactly causes this problem in your kde environment,
so I can't tell you how to fix it. I run i3-wm myself, it was no problem
there. You could start a different Gtk+ 3 program from the command line
and see whether it outputs the same Gdk warnings, that way you could
find out if this is an application-specific problem (I doubt it).

Apart from that, I don't really know how to help you. It might be that
the way you run the dialog is not how one should do that, but I haven't
written any programs using gtkmm in some time and don't know whether I
ever did Dialogs it in a different way.

If you get the same warnings in other programs though, I think this
looks like a theme problem. I don't know why, but in my experience (from
1-2 years ago, admittedly), Gtk+ themes can really mess with Gtk+
applications, to the point where selecting a theme that is only
supported for an older Gtk+ version prevents a program from starting.

>> * Bear in mind that Gtk::Stock is deprecated, especially if you're
>> writing new code
> Thanks for that hint! How can I replace that? Which is the new "modern" way 
> to use default buttons?
> In general: Is there a page of changes and deprecated functions and 
> recommendations for the replacement?

I don't know if something like that was set up by now, but the gtk-devel
mailing list thread about this topic should hold enough information
about this specific deprecation:
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