Hello, all
I have a problem with my web-server.
If the network connection to the server is closed (by killing the client)
and one attempts to write data to that port in GUILE, the interpreter will
exit without an error message. echo "$?" says GUILE exited with error code
141 but google doesn't give any results for this.

This code is running in a separate thread so it shouldn't be causing the
main thread to die.
Wrapping the write in a try-catch doesn't work. Maybe a bug with the C?
It only happens on the second write though.

It is reproducible. Run this code as a guile script:

(define sock (socket PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0))
(bind sock AF_INET INADDR_LOOPBACK 8081)
(listen sock 100)
(define c (car (accept sock)))
(sleep 5)
; Start curl and then cancel here
(display "I am a banana" c)
(display "Banana also, lol" c)
(display "I should run if this doesn't fail\n")

In another terminal run
curl localhost:8081 --http0.9

Make sure to cancel curl and then type echo $? to see the error code 141.
Any help would be welcome, thanks

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