> Record Validator
> ===============================================================================
> There is also a need to validate records. Matching fields alone do
> not actually ensure that the configuration is coherent and
> usable. For example, some fields may be mutually incompatible with
> others.
> We could provide procedures that validate each record type within
> define-configuration itself instead of validating the value at
> runtime (i.e.  within the body of the service-type).

in my service i have a non-trivial logic regarding defaults (e.g. there are 
cross-field dependencies while setting some defaults).

this means that all the entry points to my service code have a line like this 
at the very beginning:

(set! config (apply-config-defaults config))

maybe this validator logic could be implemented so that the validator may 
return a new config instance, and all entry points to the service's code would 
be called with that new instance?

> Coalesced documentation
> ================================================================

it's a tangential here, but i think demanding a documentation for fields is 
just wrong. all it does is annoy the programmer who puts an empty "", after 
wasting some time on a failed compilation. especially in a phase where the code 
is still in a prototype phase.

> Kind of a late realization, but couldn't many of the items above be satisfied
> by improvements to define-record-type* instead?
> (define-record-type* paired with a documentation literal is nearly equivalent 
> to define-configuration,
> sans the serialization scaffolding)

even if so, i'd still maintain a thin layer of abstraction for communicating 
the intention, and also for possible future extensions.

• attila lendvai
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“He who flatters a man is his enemy. He who tells him of his faults is his 
        — Confucius (551–479 BC)

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