Buenas a todos!!!

Cuando estoy tratando de compilar el código que me genera glade tengo la siguiente salida:

Please use AM_GNU_GETTEXT([external]) in order to cause autoconfiguration to look for an external libintl.

Please create po/Makevars from the template in po/Makevars.template.
You can then remove po/Makevars.template.

Please run 'aclocal -I m4' to regenerate the aclocal.m4 file.
You need aclocal from GNU automake 1.5 (or newer) to do this.
Then run 'autoconf' to regenerate the configure file.

You might also want to copy the convenience header file gettext.h
from the /usr/share/gettext directory into your package.
It is a wrapper around <libintl.h> that implements the configure --disable-nls

Press Return to acknowledge the previous four paragraphs.

Making ./aclocal.m4 writable ...
Running aclocal  -I macros ...
Running autoheader...
Running automake --gnu  ...
Makefile.am:3: required directory ./intl does not exist
**Error**: automake failed.

entonces trato de generar el aclocal.m4, como me indica la salida anterior, pero me sale lel siguiente error

[EMAIL PROTECTED] proyecto1]$ aclocal -I m4
aclocal: configure.in: 8: macro `AM_ACLOCAL_INCLUDE' not found in library

Y ahí si quede perdido, Google no me da mucha información (hasta ahora)

¿Como corrijo ese error?

Comentarios, ayuda, info, será bien agradecida

Saludos A todos!!!!!!

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