Hi all,

What time codesprint begin? Perhaps 8am is too early (I vacation).

See you tomorrow!!

Nacho V

2011/10/3 Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas <js...@gvsig.com>

> Hi all,
> I know everyone here undestands me, so sorry for not translating every
> mail I crosspost to the development lists.
> Nacho has created the gvSIG CodeSprint wiki page and I added some
> contents from last year page.
> https://gvsigcodesprintvalencia2011.jottit.com/
> It's in Spanish, as far as anyone interested on attending is Spanish
> spoken. As we have a brave gvSIG non-Spanish coder attending this
> activity I will be glad to translate it.
> Anyway the most important data is:
> - When: November 29th
> - Where: Innova Room at Polytechnic University of Valencia, kindly
> provided by ai2 institute (Thanks!!)
> If you're interested in attending:
> - raise your head and say hi here (preferably on the devel list)
> - discuss about what you expect of the CodeSprint
> - send me a private mail (jsanz at gvsig dot com) with your name and ID
> number (for net access) and I will answer you with the password to edit
> the wiki page
> - come with your laptop **and an ethernet wire**!!
> Best regards!!
> --
> Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas
> gvSIG Team at Prodevelop
> Technical Collaborations Manager
> http://www.gvsig.org
> http://www.gvsig.com
> _______________________________________________
> gvSIG_desarrolladores mailing list
> gvSIG_desarrolladores@listserv.gva.es
> http://listserv.gva.es/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/gvsig_desarrolladores

Juan Ignacio Varela GarcĂ­a
gvSIG_desarrolladores mailing list

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