That's a very important point, David. Not only is HTML5 still in draft, there are parts of ARIA that are sill not completely set in stone. This is another reason why providing some sort of release time frame is difficult; the technologies are a moving target.


On 5/28/2009 11:30 AM, David Gerry wrote:
Greetings Everyone,

      The HTML 5 Specification is currently a Draft and not a Recommendation.  This means 
that browsers should not be officially supporting it.  The reason for this is stated in 
the HTML 5 Specification under "Status of this document" section quoted below.

"Implementors should be aware that this specification is not stable. Implementors 
who are not taking part in the discussions are likely to find the specification changing 
out from under them in incompatible ways. Vendors interested in implementing this 
specification before it eventually reaches the Candidate Recommendation stage should join 
the aforementioned mailing lists and take part in the discussions."

      Until the Draft becomes a Recommendation no one should be writing 
documents in HTML 5 format.  Once the Draft becomes a Recommendation and is 
implemented by browsers then GW Micro can fully add support for new and changed 
elements to Window-Eyes.

David Gerry
Boston, Massachusetts

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