> Hi,
> My husband and I will go to our fhirst Regency ball next year.
> http://www.nehelenia-designs.com/costumeevents/costumeevents.html

I am SOO jealous!!  We don't have wonderful places like this where I live 
(California).  It is beautiful!

> I have two Butterick patterns, 3648 and 3723.
> Are those of any use?
> Or is there a better male pattern?
> Ireally don't know anything from this period.
> I have the La Mode Bagatelle pattern
> and I made a fantasy version with that pattern.
> http://home.kabelfoon.nl/~triade2/RegencyBall/Regfront.jpg
> http://home.kabelfoon.nl/~triade2/RegencyBall/Regback.jpg
> I think I'll need to make the skirt smaller so that I don't have to
> pleat it to the bodice.

Actually, if you look closer at the embroidered white dresses, they use a
very light cotton fabric and leave it smooth across the front.  Then start
your pleating around where the arms hang and the majority of the pleats
are in the back.  It is much more flattering than pleating or gathering
all around the top of the skirt.

The Museum of Bath has an exhibit of "Jane Austen" dresses right now that
you can see online.  If you look closely at the seam lines and adjust any
of the patterns you already have, you will be fine.  Here is a link to the
Bath exhibit:


If you can't get the snipURL to work, just go to www.museumofcostume.co.uk
and click on "Special Displays and Exhibitions".

Have fun!!  You do such nice work I am sure you will look fabulous!


"Everything for the Costumer"

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