At 07:30 PM 11/28/2005, you wrote:
I have something of a dilemma. We're finally getting around to dealing with
some of my late mother's huge collection of odds-and-ends, and there is an
entire *drawer* full of thread that I rescued before Dad threw it out. Old
thread on wooden spools--Coats & Clark, a brand called Blyda, and Belding
Corticelli. There are some random spools from Sears, but mostly those three,
in various colors. So I have all this thread, and I'm not sure what to do
with it. Should I try selling it to collectors? Should I sew with it?
Anybody have any suggestions?

Many thanks,


I'd sew with it. Over the years I have found many older spools of thread; if they have not deteriorated due to poor storage conditions, I use them. I don't like to hand sew with Dual Duty (the cotton-wrapped polyester stuff) unless I am doing some beadwork (it's actually recommended in some instruction books and works well for that). I like the greater number of sizes of thread that were available many years ago.

Joan Jurancich
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