I had some serious issues with a lot of H Bohnam Carter's clothing in the episode I watched last night...What were those things on her head??? That and the shape of the dresses. The stays in this period would have been close to what she had on, but would have come in to her actual waist, while not chinching it. Her breasts totally disappeared in the bodices, they would have shown a bit, it looked like the bodices were biult for another actress who was much larger. The shape of the skirts also bothered me a bit...too linear, without any bell at all in some of them.

But that's my opinion...take it for what it's worth
----- Original Message ----- From: "Sylvia Rognstad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Historical Costume" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 1:31 AM
Subject: [h-cost] PBS Henry VIII

I've just been watching the new Henry Viii on PBS with Helena Bonham Carter as Anne Boleyn. I noticed that all her dresses go straight down from bust to waist, not pinching in at the waist at all, and making her look somewhat pregnant when she's not. While I realize this era's silhouette is flat at the bustline, I don't think I've ever seen it pooch out in front at the waist the way it does on Ms. Bonham Carter. I know there are a lot of English Renaissance experts on this list who can advise if this is correct or does it have something to do with the actress's own shape (on the busty side)?


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