At 09:23 30/01/2006, you wrote:

Kate Bunting
Librarian and 17th century reenactor

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 29/01/2006 21:17 >>> wrote:

>Also, I was talking to a friend on Friday who mentioned she's had
>great success bringing over packages of "Jelly Bellies" jelly beans.
>She says you can't get them in Britain (and they actually are quite

You can get them, actually, in the more "exclusive" kind of sweetshop. I've bought them for friends' children in the past from those displays of "gift foods" they have in department stores before Christmas. I'd say they were still uncommon enough over here to make a very acceptable gift, though.

My husband bought me a tub of Jelly Bellies for Christmas from our local Sainsbury's where they are regularly on sale, but we do live in London.


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