At 04:27 AM 2/6/2006, you wrote:
I would be very gratefull for advice as to how to sort out my 1670 midwives clothing which I've just retrieved from storage to discover a fair bit of moth damage. The whole set, boddice, and two pleated skirts all wool lined with linen ,the design based on Vermeer's mikmaid has to be remade anyway as I've dropped from english size 20 to a 10. Re-making the kit is no problem but how should I repair the moth holes? I can darn and patch.I have lovely woolen yarn in a matching colour for darning and also scraps of the cloth for patching. Should I use a mix of darns and patches? I'm hoping to make the repairs part of the costume part of my presentation. My character is a respectable midwife, licesnsed by the Bishop, well repected etc etc but not hugely wealthy.Any ideas gratefully recieved. Not downhearted about this as the kit is beggining to look like real clothing as oppossed to a costume, and making kit smaller is easier than making it bigger.
sorry about my speelling mistakes.


I would recommend that any holes above 1/2-inch or so should be patched. Anything smaller could be darned fairly easily. And it goes without saying that you would make the repairs as unobtrusive as possible (which will be much easier than patching a cotton print dress since there is no matching of patterns to worry about, just matching the grain). Congratulations on your weight loss.

Joan Jurancich
h-costume mailing list

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