Were these Fiscars or look-alikes?

One of the advantages of the Fiscar Soft Touch is that there is no finger
pinching.  I don't remember if they use this design with the scrapbook line.

One interesting note re Fiscar service on the ST products, at least, is that
you can get replacement springs when they give out (from overwork?).The last
time I requested replacements, they sent me a small handful!  Would that
they would would put a quality spring in to begin with.
Any way, the ST line has saved my fingers from calluses.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dawn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Historical Costume" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2006 11:06 AM
Subject: Re: [h-cost] pinker alert

> > Fiskar, I believe, makes a variety of pinking/dagging scissors--a
variety of designs. I don't have any, and I've seen them advertised only in
art-supply catalogs, so maybe their usefulness is limited to paper. I'm
always tempted to try a pair, but I can't decide among  wavy-cut, deep pink,
deckled-paper-effect, and the more complicated dags...and can't afford to
buy them all!
> > Again: maybe no good for fabric....Has anybody tried them?
> > --Ruth Anne Baumgartner
> I have a pair I bought when I made my wedding invitations, and I didn't
> think they were all that good on paper. The handles were small and hurt
> my hands -- though they cut ok -- I found them unpleasant to use. They
> probably would have worked on fabric when new, but they won't now. And
> how would you sharpen something like that anyway?
> Dawn
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