Lalah wrote:
I doubt if half the subject showed up, but I wanted to be sure just which civil war (stupid name for a very uncivil action)

Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin civilis, from civis 1 a : of or relating to citizens b : of or relating to the state or its citizenry

and which side of the conflict I was researching. I have a multitude of pictures of Confederate uniforms, but would really love to have a decent pattern to start with.

The only decent men's patterns from that period that I know of (the Simplicity ones) are not uniforms. There used to be a costumey uniform pattern, but it was pretty bad. I think what you'd want is a man's sloper, then you could adjust it to whichever picture you're trying to imitate. The problem with CW uniforms, in the south especially, is that a lot of men went to war with whatever clothing their wife sent them with. Each unit seems to have had its own uniform, they could vary wildly, and as shortages got worse, some folks gave up on uniforms altogether. I know that doesn't help much. :)

If I was trying it, I'd just get a men's sloper or simple coat pattern and start there.


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