My Show will be costumed and acyed by those in their final year in the Theatre program at Dalhousie University in Halifax. A bit of a commute for you, maybe ;-)

The clothes already are being pulled together and look great. I'm looking forward to seeing it. This has been the season of very emotional plays. A tough year on all the students, and they are thriving!
----- Original Message ----- From: "Mary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 2:14 PM
Subject: [h-cost] Re: OT: Urinetown (was 1930's factory wear)

One of the local theater groups in Santa Rosa, CA, is also doing Urinetown. Is this yet another production, or is this being costumed by one of you? If the latter, it gives me even greater incentive to go. :-)

(Sorry for the late reply, I got behind on this list and I'm still trying to catch up....)


Date: Sun, 05 Feb 2006 20:00:20 -0400
From: "Kelly Grant"
Subject: Re: [h-cost] 1930's factory wear/Urinetown

What is this...the year for depression era Urinetown???We're doing the same
sho for the final one of the season...we'll get the scetches next week!

From: "Cabbage Rose Costumes"
Subject: Re: [h-cost] 1930's factory wear
Date: Sat, 4 Feb 2006 19:09:30 -0800

Can anyone on the list point me to a source for period uniforms for the
depression era?  Or perhaps even abroad in the 1930s.  I am doing a
production of Urinetown, and we are going for a thirties depression era
feel, although the show is not actually set in any time period.  (It's
actually the future, I believe).

I did a few cursory net searches without much luck, but thought perhaps
someone already had some sourcing and could save me some time for my

As always, thanks in advance.

Angela F. Lazear
Cabbage Rose Costumes
Theatrical Costume Design


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