Annette and others-

Can we make a subgroup that deals with riding outfits and horse items? I'd hate to not get feedback from all the historical costumers on the big list, but I don't want to annoy the rest of you with "horse specific" questions. Is it Ok to post with the type of Subject line as in this post to alert the rest of you that it may not be of interest to the rest of the group?

I'd certainly like to make my riding outfits as authentic looking as possible given the fabrics and the circumstances we are faced with today. (No groom to take our horse after we ride or take complete care of our horse while we are getting ready to ride or while we socialize after riding. Ahhh... the good old days! But... I would have been in the peasant class, as I am in real life!)


"Slow down. The trail is the thing, not the end of the trail. Travel
too fast and you miss all you are traveling for".  - "Ride the Dark
Trail" by Louis L'Amour

On Mar 6, 2006, at 11:41 AM, Kahlara wrote:

Over the years I have found that most of my creative associations seem to have at least two or three similarities in other areas as well as the shared interest in which we first became aquainted.

I have noticed several list members make reference to horses and riding. I ride and own horses also. I also have made various articles of riding clothing and costumes for shows over the years (to keep it close to list topic).

Although each individual is different, there seems to be a range of interests that most creative people share to one degree or another. For my part...

horses, cats (or pets in general), costuming, reading, theatre, good movies, classical and traditional music, gardening, other artistically creative endeavors such as panting or some type of crafting, etc. And of course, the list always exceeds the amount of time available to pursue said interests.

  Just a little generalizing. ;-)

  Annette M

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