Ooh, deeply glamourous! However, I've got a month
exactly till the event, so a heavy beading project
isn't gonna happen. I think I'm thinking of something
summery with pinks and greens, but the black does
sound yummy. Hmmm, maybe for next year. I look
terrific in black. ;-)

Something like this:

Or possibly that for the under dress and a solid green
for the tunic, if I can find the right color. Or maybe
the other way around. 

Thanks for the idea!


--- Kathy Page <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> MaggiRos,
> Personally, I envision this one in black chiffon
> with both jet and iridescent black beading, both
> tube and round beads. Go for a scrolling pattern for
> the beads, keep the really heavy stuff away from the
> edge of the hems to keep it moving softly. Only a
> thing line of them at the hem to frame it.
> Concentrate the sparkly bits between knee and thigh
> to get maximum light, as the black on black might be
> lost. Same with the bodice, put the most work into
> where the light will catch it - across the chest and
> centre front. Go utterly crazy on the girdle where
> it will take the weight. You might even find a
> patterned chiffon out there to get you started.
> Kathy

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     Bill Bryson, A Short History of Practically Everything
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