On 8/6/2011 5:17 PM, Sylvia Rognstad wrote:
I never even heard of this live journal thing. i know you said what it
is, more of less, but I guess I don't understand how it works. Is it
different from looking at a bunch of individual blogs?

LiveJournal and DreamWidth have the idea of "Friends Lists" (or Reading Lists) down to a fine art. You subscribe (for lack of a better word) to folks that you want to follow (like Kimiko, for instance), and then on your "Reading" page, all their entries show it. It's **MUCH** micer/easier (IMO) to follow than a bunch of different blogs. They all come to one place. I also think it's easier to have a discussion on LJ or DW than it is on most blogs because of the way the comments are structured. It's very easy to follow a comment thread there.

Susan/ jerusha/ FlorentineScot
Susan Farmer
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College
Division of Science and Math
h-costume mailing list

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