A friend who has worked in costumed film pieces told me to look at the "extras" 
in a film to see authenticity.  The extras are often actual re-enactors. The 
"star" usually refuses to wear authentic hairstyles and they movie makers give 
in to their vanity.

I recall a "B" ( or maybe C) budget movie where Angie Dickinson played a Civil 
War woman.  Her clothing was gorgeous and authentic but her hair was 1980's 
style. Spoiled the "effect" for me.


On Oct 3, 2013, at 5:54 AM, Kate Bunting wrote:

> Another TV costume drama question...
> In the current BBC series "Peaky Blinders" (about a criminal gang in
> Birmingham post-WW1) a prominent female character wears her shoulder-length
> hair loose.
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01fj945
> This looks far too modern to me. Before short styles came in in the '20s,
> wouldn't women have put their hair up?
> Kate Bunting
> Retired librarian & 17th century reenactor
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