I think she said it is called razorback.

 That is "racer back"--This was, I believe, designed for serious competition 
swimsuits. Would stay in place and the swimmer wouldn't have to worry about it 
coming off the shoulders.

Ann Wass



-----Original Message-----
From: Penny Ladnier <pe...@costumegallery.com>
To: 'Historical Costume' <h-cost...@indra.com>
Sent: Tue, Feb 4, 2014 4:38 am
Subject: Re: [h-cost] t-top? Tank?

I have sabout 20 camis with and without bras built into them.  The trend has
been for the past 5+ years is to layer several camis over a bra with colored
straps exposed.  This created a kinda rainbow of multiple straps.   This
fashion evolved into another fashion last summer of a cami with a an
oversized A-shape or swing top shape with a racer's swimsuit back shape.  My
daughter came in with one of these last night and my husband was trying to
convince her that it was a wife-beater top.  I have forgotten what she
called it.   For some reason I think she said it is called razorback.
Underneath it the ladies/girls are wear a swimsuit top, cami, or strapless
elastic band top. 

My daughter is 22 now.  I remember when the cami trend started and she was
in high school.  We have several arguments in the beginning that it was
underwear back then.  Then she started layering them.  She started
lifeguarding and wearing a lot less to work, so I lost the battle.  

I do have to say when you are purchasing camis to make sure to look at the
drawings on the package.  So many of them state there is a bra built into
them...actually it should be worded as a "shelf" and not "bra."  A shelf is
a lining over the bust area with elastic under the bust.  It has no padding
and generally made of the same fabric as the outer portion.  You can put bra
pads in this area if you want, but don't could on them staying in place. 

I have a hard time medically wearing a bra and searched high and low for the
camis with a built in cups...without the back strap of a bra.  You can find
lots with the back straps in lingerie sections and pay a lot more for them.
Kmart is the best place to purchase the ones with just cups and no shelf.
They have been carrying them for 4+ years and they are generally hanging.  I
do suggest to anyone purchasing camis to get ones with adjustable straps.
Most camis are form fitting and if you get one with cups or a shelf, you
don't want to bothered with straps bugging you or the shelf elastic riding
up all day.  If you have the opportunity to try it on before purchasing, do
so.  Each manufacturers sizing is different and a lot of the cami textiles
have spandex or Lyrca in it.  Don't be surprised if you generally wear a
medium and need to go up to a large or extra large.  Cami sizing is so

Penny Ladnier, Owner
The Costume Gallery Websites, www.costumegallery.com 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheCostumeGallery  


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