On Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 12:55:26PM +0100, Roberto E. Vargas Caballero wrote:
> It changes to read full lines before executing commands, escaping
> newlines when it is needed. It solves 2 different cases:
>       - Substitution commands with newlines in the replace part

This does not work with a range:

$ ./ed
1       foo
2       foo
3       foobar1
4       foobar2

>       - Global commands with append or insert commands
> Still, some additional problems were detected in the case of
> global commands but they will be fixed in a follow up patchset.

I did not test much, but what I tested worked.

BTW, why is there no test suite? I started adding tests[0] for ed when I
attempted to write a patch for this. It's still WIP, though.

[0]: https://git.sr.ht/~rkta/sbase/tree/bsd/item/t

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